Welcome to Heart Wisdom teachings. We will offer essential teachings and realisations that have touched and grown us from our everyday lives. These messages from the mundane are extra-ordinary. They Portals of Change always present in our lives and world – waiting to be seen, to be heard, to be valued, to be understood, to be shared, and to be lived. In living through our Heart Wisdoms we each can become our own living map of Wholeness and Wellbeing. Becoming our own Tree of Life rooted deeply into the earth, fully growing upward and outward, reaching to touch the unlimited Sky.
Through these offerings we invite you to discover the teachings and extra-ordinary in the everyday of your self, life and world. Realise your unique knowing, creativity and love of Life. The inner gifts of spaciousness, reflection, trust and courage are the greatest treasures we can offer ourselves and all.

“Like this Heart-Lake nestled in the forest, we can Discover so much when we begin to See and Open to different perspectives and understandings within the landscapes of our everyday lives” Sharon