“We are our own Centre of Being and Becoming. When this is Felt and Integrated, we are the enduring Magic of hope and new life. We create a Whole and renewed future for us all.”
Loretta do Rozario
Dr Loretta do Rozario {B. Occ. Thy. (Qld. Uni.), M.Transp. Psych. (I. T. P. USA), PhD. (Qld. Uni.} Approved Supervisor PACFA
Now in my mid 60’s I open to offering my 40 years of offering optimal wellbeing and enduring change pathways to positively meet life challenges. Let me offer a sense of my life’s journeying and work: For most of my life I have been a ‘seeker of other ways’. I intuitively followed a deeply personal and professional pathway to the world of psyche – inclusive of body, mind, heart, soul, community and environment – this Integral Wholeness Facilitation became my life’s direction and focus.
Over the years I travelled inwardly and branched outwardly to other lands, pursuing many experiential practises and intensive trainings – Jungian, transpersonal, gestalt, psychodynamic, psychodrama, existential, transactional analysis, dream and breath work, EMDR, cognitive therapy, and philosophical, spiritual teachings and mediation therapies. With over 13 years of working in private and public mental health – acute, long term and community based psychiatry I had the privilege of working intensively with people undergoing major breakdowns, breakthroughs and profound life changes and challenges.
Throughout these times I saw the overwhelming need for more enduring and transformative ways of practice and systemic change. Integral Psychotherapeutic Practises became my response and framework for creating practical hope and whole health. Offering pathways and practises enabling true change for whole lives, and real wellbeing within families, systems, organisations, and communities.
In the 1990’s with other faculty members, I created the Australian Transpersonal Institute and Association, a nationally accredited education and training Institute for ‘Change Growth and Transformation’. By 2000 this evolved and in 2005 led to building and creating Tree Song a private Retreat in Denmark, WA. For 15 years this home and workshop space, offered a beautiful forest Sanctuary of mountain, trees, river and ocean giving those a spaciousness to Be, grow and learn – becoming their greater Selves and Life Story.
Today with the joy of working alongside Sharon Mitchell, I continue my longstanding practice of enabling individuals from all walks of life, facing all manner of life transitions and challenges, to become more of who they really are and can become. Through supervision, mentoring and training offerings, I continue to be deeply committed to working with the health and helping professions and service organisations so that each can grow and contribute their ‘personal and social wellbeing practises’. For when each of us heals, embodies, integrates our personal Wholeness, we deeply change and enliven. Becoming real leaders and beacons of hope, compassion and vitality for enduring change.
Brief Background
*1977, Degree in Occupational Therapy (Uni. Of Qld) specialising in mental health
*1995, PhD, Department of Religious Studies (1995, Uni. of Qld), research thesis: What Keeps People (Organisations and Communities) Alive and Well In Spite of the Odds – ‘The Spiritual Nature of Health and Wellbeing of People with Chronic Physical Disabilities and Illness: A Paradigm of Wholeness and Reconstitution’.
*1978/9 Diploma in Gestalt Therapy Brisbane Gestalt Institute with Dr Peter Mulholland & Patti Oliver
* 1983-85 Advanced Certificate (practise based) in Transpersonal Studies from the Australian Institute of Transpersonal Studies, Brisbane.
* 1987 Masters in Transpersonal Psychology (Institute of Transpersonal Psychology – Sofia University, USA), practise based & research thesis: ‘Transpersonal Growth Groups: A Peer Paradigm of Learning’.
* 15 years senior academic Curtin, Notre Dame and Edith Cowan Universities teaching wellbeing, mental health and counselling practises for health sciences and supervision of PhD’s and Masters research.
* 1998-2008 Adjunct Professor Dalhousie University Canada, developed graduate courses in Community Development and Wellbeing & supervising Masters research health science students.
* 1993-2000 Founder and Program Coordinator Australian Transpersonal Institute & Association, nationally accredited training in Counselling & Psychotherapy.
* 2001-2005 Wellbeing Coordinator & Facilitator Cancer Support Association WA (Cottesloe) offering Wellbeing Group Therapy and Individual/Family Counselling.
* 2005-2019 Tree Song Retreat – Counselling, Workshops, Training & Supervision, Offering Certificate to Master Practitioner Training in Wholeness & Wellbeing Facilitation.
* 2022-23 Key Perth Mental Health Services: Senior Mental Health Clinician & Educator; Program Coordinator Mood & Anxiety Wellbeing Program, Supervisor & Educator.
* 2022-ongoing Clinical Psychology & Wellbeing Counselling Claremont Private Practice