‘Living Wellbeing & Wisdom’ is the creative synthesis and culmination of our individual and combined life’s work and offerings. In these last seven years through intensive dialogues and reflective action we deeply reviewed the nature of Healing and Inner Work, its wisdoms and practices across the ages. “What truly changes our lives, inner and outer worlds. What are the essentials that grow wellbeing. How can we transform no matter what our life circumstances, cultures and capacities”.
Our ‘Whole of Life Framework’ is a working synthesis developed to meet whatever comes to life as individuals, families, organisations, societies. Through tried and tested old and modern sciences and practices of healing, growth, transformation we offer integrated depth and breadth pathways to wellbeing. As a team our unique individual styles, diversity and strong collaborative approach brings much potency to the round table of conversations, creativity and contributions.
Soon to be completed our synthesis Book Whole Lives, Real Love – Pathways & Practices: What Truly Changes Us, All & Everything’.