In these last few days I have come to Face that the offering of a Lifechanging WellBeing & Transformational Retreat in the Great Southern Alps of NZ cannot Be! For The World has totally changed! I am disappointed and saddened at this loss of a Big Dreamings, a profound Pilgrimage for self and others. Yet my personal feelings though real, pale into insignificance at where we all as a World unprecedently find ourselves in such a short time.
‘Globalisation’ is now truly felt and understood more than ever. There is no place anywhere or perhaps any person who doesn’t know or feel the effects of this Virus that could potentially hurt or destroy, and adversely change our lifestyle, social and occupational wellbeing and most of all our health. The recent jokes about toilet paper now seem all too real and confronting. Seeing people fight over such commodities that in this day, age and in this first world country is shaking some and perhaps many to the core of our known selves, let alone our communities. Are we becoming or being reduced to a Reality TV Show! Will it be a Survival Show on a grand scale or an Epic of Hunger, Hedonism or True Heroism?
The Title of this Show or Epic is uncertain as are the unfathomable outcomes. Day and Night we all wait to hear, see the statistics and signs of Hope. Some praying and wishing they won’t become a statistic, an unlucky or unfortunate one, judged ‘stupid’ even ‘bad’, the ones who didn’t heed the cautionary measures. Some believe that their ‘God’ will save them, and at the same time they believe that ‘others’ will not be so cherished, deservedly or not. Yet young or old, rich or poor, believers or not, we are in this Life-Changing Play together. No one will be unaffected.
It feels paradoxical to me that this Easter Invitation to Pilgrimage to High Country, Sacred Mountains and Ancient Monoliths was for each participant (and for All) to ReDream, ReStore, ReStory and ReCreate our Whole Lives. A Timeless Time and Spaciousness to Deepen our Courage, our Faith, our Hope, our Love of Life and most of all, to come to Love our Fuller Selves and for Others, like never before. In doing so each would come to Know their Hearts and Souls as a True Home. Each growing greater Capacities to Love their inner and outer Worlds no matter what. Each from these Heights, a Perspective for Holding Dear the World as we enter this most significant decade.
As individuals and an entire World we have certainly been ‘given’ this challenging Opportunity, wanted or unwanted. As Protagonists in this World Play we can accept this Time together as tragically unwelcomed and unfair. Or we can deeply feel and acknowledge our feelings including our instinctive basic reactions (fright, fight and flight); and choose to See and Grow the inner Gifts and Learnings also present. For example the opportunity for growing more Community Spirit, heartful sharings and new perspectives and more time to reflect on what truly matters in each of our lives. In doing so we can enter into this Great Life and World Challenge as Creative Co-Contributors in a profound and potent Mystery Play that can ultimately Add to our shared Humanity. Picking up our Gauntlet, as Hero or Heroines in our daily lives, we can Meet our Greater Story within a World Stage, becoming more Loving, Giving and Strong rather than more fearful, insular and mean-spirited. Releasing our smallness and limiting egoic concerns, to Come Home to our Greater Self and collective Souls, we can Become More rather than only lessened and undone! This I truly hope for and Pray. This my Sacred Commitment and ‘Work Practice’ from this Day onwards. Life-Changing and enduring practical Inner Work is needed and required more than ever in our lives.
Together let us Become as One. The real Fight is against Fear not each other. Yes these are unbelievably strange times and reactively resenting strangers will be self-defeating, diminishing us as a global Humanity. The World needs each and everyone to Wholly Respond, to Step Up and Consciously Care and Love wherever we find ourselves, in small or larger Ways no matter what. Especially in our enforced or chosen isolation, let us inwardly grow and share with others, The Essentials – Peace, Love, Wisdom, Courage and Creative Strengths… Remembering this Song and Calling for especially now and always: “ What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love…” Together may each of us choose active and contemplative Conscious Whole Love.