Last year unexpectedly, Sharon and I both felt Called to a Pilgrimage at Uluru. We knew we had to go. We knew we needed for the very first time to go together. We also knew that the Calling was so clear and strong that if the other couldn’t go that the Pilgrimage must still happen. This confirmed for us that this journey was Different, not a travel, a trip, an adventure, a nice holiday or even like the significant journeying times we had independently enjoyed. Somehow we had arrived at this juncture of our lives and our relating, to consciously Enter together into Sacred Pilgrimage and to Meet the Extraordinary. Where else but the Centre of Australia to Center our Selves and our Lives to come. Where else to consciously Journey without knowing the details to one of the largest Rocks in the world, a Portal Place of Ancient Heart Wisdoms on this land of Australia. Also a place where many everyday tourists come from all around the world to quickly climb, take photo shots, and say “I have been to the Rock!”
What did we discover? Yes breathtaking beauty, wonderous walks, desert dreamings and mountainous memorable views, and yes a deeper appreciation of the ancient peoples of this land and their resilient remarkable lives and timeless wisdoms. Yet it was How we UnCovered our Selves that was the Magic and Gifts. In the endless stark nakedness of this landscape we Felt into SoulScapes that Transformed us beyond the known. We were Changed forever returning to our everyday as our own Timeless Rock with enduring Dreamings to come. The Sky now Opened for each of Us.