“Love in the past is only a memory. Love in the future is a fantasy.
Only here and now can we truly love.”
“Some days we feel like strangers. When our heart opens,
we will realize that we belong just here.”
(Jack Kornfield)
For ten years I have perplexed and intrigued people by saying: “I essentially haven’t left Denmark to return to Perth. Why would I leave paradise?” Well, in February I will have been to Brisbane four times since last September. My 90-year old mother has now died and thankfully it was a peaceful release. I was deeply grateful to have been present and to send her off as best as I could.
What has surprised me in this most significant ‘goodbye’ was how tender I have felt and how much I wanted to return to Brisbane for the burial and on another occasion to again honour both my parents. On Christmas day I always phone my brothers and family and this time I heard my tearful gasp: “This Christmas is different.” That day I decided I would return in February to be with the family and together remember and celebrate our parents, and in doing so hold dear our whole family including the generations on both sides.
I share this with you as I keep hearing within and around that modern ‘catch cry’: “Move on…get on with life!” I now know that I am getting on with life by being present to my heart’s Callings. For what more important business do we have than: to feel, to love, to know from within and to follow where we truly are and need to Be. The modern day busyness often prevents us from ‘truly love…belong just here.”
I am happy to simply be in this journey of Remembering Love – no matter what, when, who or why. The gem of an open heart is priceless. I feel at Home and not alone. I am with Life.