“How to Live The Dream as The Dream Changes!” April 2019
By Dr Loretta do Rozario
In the recent March edition I surprised many by saying my early ‘Adieu’ to Denmark as I placed Beautiful Tree Song on the market. Since 2005 this Retreat Home has been a Place of Sanctuary, a Space for Growing Peace, Love and Joys for those who came from near and far in Learn to Be, Deepen and to Enrich their lives. My personal gift over the years has been the daily privilege and pleasure to live in such a Paradise of Peace and to be able to share this with others.
Yet this Change is bringing challenges and learnings for me and I sense for others in response to my leaving. For in life there are at least Three Great Lessons – ‘Saying Hello’, ‘Saying Goodbye’, and in the Transitional Middle – Saying how we truly feel when in Transition and everything seems unclear. I am truly feeling all Three Lessons so Life is indeed Full and also Emptying.
I recall when I first came to Denmark and met people in the street or social situations and there would be the initial warm “Hello” and then a Pause. A few people were frank and said how difficult it was to keep meeting and accommodating new people as Denmark has been quite transitory over the years. There seemed to be a protective barrier to allowing new people and even newness into ones’ private ‘Paddock’. It seemed easier to put up the sign, “No more Room at the Inn” or at least “Only welcome when asked or vetted!” Certainly not easy street for newcomers.
The next phase of Living is ‘Transition’- the ‘in between place’ where what was certain is now uncertain and unknown. In our society there is greater kudos for ‘Knowing and Certainty’ than saying, “I honestly don’t know where or what or when and even why”. This can happen in all spheres of our lives – buying, selling, changes to health, relationships, work or whatever! We pride ourselves on being knowledgeable and right. Yet the Truth of uncertainty can invite creativity and other possibilities that are out of view and being incubated like a Seed. The fallow field of a garden is needed and welcomed before the new crop is grown.
The Biggest Challenge is more often than not, ‘Saying Goodbye’. Be it the deaths of family members, relationships, a way of life, a way of working, our beliefs and even our accepted values. Releasing our ‘Treasures’, inner or outer, faces us with feelings of loss, grief, discomforts, distance and indifference. Many of us just want to turn away, deny what is happening, get on with the next thing, or simply remain silent. Perhaps the greatest challenge is to express our Real Feelings rather than platitudes, judgements or only intellectual thoughts.
Forgive my lack of ‘silence’ as I do want to say again a tender and fond ‘Adieu’ and ‘Thank You’ to Denmark for All and Everything. This has been a remarkable Chapter of my Life and for me to continue to Grow my Field I must return to the World. In the time before Tree Song is released to another, I look forward to hugs, words, wishes, celebrations and of course meaningful Silence.
Until we Meet again! And if you are interested in remaining in contact there is my new web site and ongoing offerings: livingourfullness.com
Cheers to Life and All its’ Changes and Challenges which give us the impetus to Grow…Loretta