Living Wellbeing & Wisdom Practises
Connecting Your Whole Life
Grow Capacity Aliveness & Wisdom
Empower & Transform the Future for Self Soul Society & Service
with Sharon Mitchell and Dr Loretta do Rozario
Whether your wanting to grow & deepen your life and life’s work, or learn to heal and find enduring solutions for anxiety, depression, life transitions, grief & trauma we as Health and Wellbeing Psychotherapists and Educators Invite you to your Wellbeing. Join us, as we continue to live these wellbeing practices in our lives.

True Wellbeing is our whole humanness – body, mind, heart, soul & spirit – our ‘Lifeforce’. Like every tree ‘roots to canopy’, it is through our inter-connectedness that brings our greatest nourishment and resources – vibrancy, wisdom, strength, creativity, potential and love.
Our whole self, life story and relationships, past and present, no matter what, distinctively creates who we are and our future. Life with its extraordinary, ordinary, sacred, mundane, pains, pressures are our virtual teachers. Through connecting the dots of our lives, we come to know a wider and more meaningful view of what is true and wise, including recognising and releasing what no longer serves us.
In these challenging modern times, every person and everything matters. How each of us thinks, feels, behaves and contributes can change everything – personally, relationally and collectively. In truth most of us live only a fraction of our true potential. Instead, we find ourselves caught in enticing webs – needing to know it all, have it all, show it all, be it all. Todays instantaneous connectedness bringing more lacking and emptiness. Yet increasingly health statistics show so many have never felt such dis-ease, disconnectedness and aloneness the ever before.
No matter who we are and where we are in our lives and communities, we can learn wiser ways of living well. Our natural inclination is to warmly welcome the comforting great invitations and rejecting the unwanted and constricting. Truthfully, ‘Real Life’ is always a balance and mixture of the positive and negative, the helpful and not so helpful, choosing what serves and what no longer serves our wellbeing.
We grow our maturing personal and social Character when we directly face and weave together our inner and outer All and Everything. Where we dismiss and deny we become caught, closed, conflicted and conforming, diminishing our life force and potency. Where we consciously learn to see more clearly, feel and more deeply connect, offer compassion and open to possibilities, we grow becoming creative and enchanted with Lifes’ unfolding.

heartache grows compassion
failure grows humility
fear grows courage
scarcity grows gratitude
despair grows hope
deception grows truth
taking grows giving
uncertainty grows vision
weakness grows strength
difference grows tolerance
loneliness grows unity
futility grows passion
sorrow grows joy
anger grows forgiveness
woundings grow healing compelling us to meet New Life

Our Whole of Life Framework & Wellbeing Facilitation offers ancient and modern science & wisdoms, spiritual perspectives and wellbeing practises and teachings:
- ‘10 Distinctive Stages of Growing Inner Wellbeing where we must pass through one stage growing sufficient capacity to develop to the next stage
- ‘10 Universal Life Patterns’ that are key to understanding ourselves, our relationships, & All in our lives
- ‘10 Life Changing Wisdoms’ enabling us to pass through blocks, fears & limitations that keep us fixed, stuck & disempowered
- ‘10 Wellbeing for Life Practices’ as grounding practical ways to continue to enrich, expand & nourish our ‘Wellbeing Lifeforce’
- ‘Creative Pathways Building Bridges‘ of shared understanding across generations, cultures, communities, organisations & environments
One Life, One Tree
Partial Perspectives Limit Us

Bring to view what is out of sight, misunderstood, excluded
Enable meaningful connectedness to harness all of ones’ life past & present
Untangle that which is and is not you
Uncover and release patterns keeping you caught
Bring balance to those opposing aspects of self and life
Integrate & lead through your whole life
Fuller Perspectives Expand Life

Walk Your Path to True Wellbeing for Self and All